2 Neptune Road, Suit 41, Boston MA

(617) 586-3200

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Mon - Sat 8.00 - 20.00

Sunday Closed

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(617) 586-3200


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    Floor Sanding & Refinishing

    The Eco Wood Floors expert will come to your home to confirm the area to be refinished. Refinishing is a great solution to making your floors look brand new, without actually installing a new floor. If you have old wood floors or panels that have been hiding under an old carpet, this is the perfect project to renovate your home.

    Together we will discuss the different options for finishing the wood to make your dream floor come alive.

    The first step is sanding with special dustless sanders to erase marks and signs of age in the wood and to remove the old finish. After three coats of polyurethane, you have a beautifully refinished floor, that looks like a new installation!

    If you are in need of refinishing your beat up wood floors, contact Eco Wood Floors today to get started. Before you know it, your floors will be looking brand new.

    Refinishing Advantage

    • Scraping the existing boards
    • Restoring the original finish
    • Changing the stain color
    • Makes the Floors Easier to Keep Clean

    Creative Tools

    Leverage agile frameworks to pro- vide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches. frameworks to provide a robust

    Perfect Finishing

    Leverage agile frameworks to pro- vide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches. frameworks to provide a robust

    Get Free Estimate!

    In need Carpenter in your location?

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    (617) 586-3200
